TEL: 555605-2042 | 557589-9483 | 557589-9489
We offer our clients the procedures and mechanisms to achieve an expedited tax refund, allowing the company to utilize that working capital efficiently.
Compliance Officers in Accounting, Tax, and Legal Matters:
Our “Compliance Officer” service is gaining significant importance. It consists of implementing, monitoring, and reviewing a set of procedures and best practices in accounting, tax, and legal matters.
This service is provided by an external officer to the organization’s administration, offering a broader perspective and helping to minimize risks. As the risk of audits and penalties increases, not having a robust supervision and review framework in accounting-tax-legal matters can result in substantial financial harm to the organization and its partners.
We ensure that our clients have certainty and security, protecting them from risks caused by internal accountants or lawyers.
Tax Defense:
Our legal team, specialized in administrative and tax matters, supports clients in the following specialities :
- Advisory in administrative procedures (inspection, supervision, verification, and sanctions)
- Amparo proceedings
- Legal defenses before Administrative Authorities
- Nullity lawsuits
- Advisory on compliance with laws at various governmental levels
- Legal-tax consulting
- Appeals (revocation/non conformity)
- Procedures before PRODECON (Taxpayer Defense Attorney’s Office)
We provide our clients with legal certainty by sharing cutting-edge knowledge and generating highly effective communication processes, ensuring their development by optimizing and increasing the efficiency of their resources.